When We Say ‘I Love You’ What Do We Really Mean?

Have you ever examined your feeling of love for someone? What are we really saying when we decide to shower someone with our love.. One usually doesn’t probe too deeply in one’s feeling of love for someone else. We take it as face value. We apply the standard definition that we have been given of……

Nature Of Life Might Be Crueler Than You Think

Its so easy for us to get lost in the beauty of nature, to admire the wonderfulness of the animal kingdom and the grand variation that it comes in. And even stop to wonder that at the fact that, at the end of the day, we all function on the same principle of eating, drinking,……

Can Just “I” Ever Be Enough For Myself?

I wonder if there’s a possibility that we can be self sufficient. Not in terms of material needs but emotionally and psychologically. Where it all begins. Right from the time that we are infants we are dependent on other people to be a source of validation, happiness, a sense of security and a source of……