Explore what working out from home is all about with a close look at all the kinds of exercise that you can without expensive equipment and gym memberships. All you will need is oodles of inspiration and a drive to improve your well being in as much as is in your hands.
Category: Work From Home
Find the latest posts on gainful employment working from home, working online as well as other opportunities for earning independently.
This website started as a guide to earning from art and crafts. But over time we realised that our readership was interested in learning about more alternative means of earning a sustainable income, and working from home.
The Internet is a powerful thing. One is aware of the fact that a lot is being done in the online universe. New jobs, ventures, businesses and opportunities are presenting themselves every day. But working from home doesn’t necessarily mean doing a job or running a business online, although, that is a popular option.
It is true that most of the businesses today cannot perform without intervening online functionality in their process. Even if their sales process is not synchronised with the Internet, then at least their customer support depends upon it to some degree.
This section is about finding ways to work from home and making a substantial and sustainable income while doing so.
We write about:
- finding opportunities online,
- starting home-based businesses,
- finding home-based jobs,
- discovering how to freelance with various skills and abilities,
- selling your skills, product or your process online…
… And as many practical and viable possibilities of earning and working from home with, preferably, an independent schedule, mindset and work practice, as we can find.
We welcome your feedback and questions in the comments section of the posts.
How To Earn With Freelance Writing Jobs (For Beginners)
Writing is a skill that is just right for freelancing and working from home. This post explores the best ways to use writing skills for making a consistent income. Learn how to grow writing skills, find the best paying writing jobs and find high paying writing assignments.
How To Earn With Drawing And Art Jobs Online
Learn all about the different ways to earn money with your art skills. In this post we speak about different online opportunities for artists, where to find these openings for drawing jobs and how to go about selling your own art work online.
How To Write Amazing Books To Sell Online
You can create ebooks to sell on any subject you are comfortable writing about. Here we discuss the writing process and the best method to create ebooks and courses that sell on Kindle, ClickBank and other online libraries.
How To Sell Ebooks Online – On Kindle, Clickbank And Your Blog
Selling ebooks online requires implementing good promotional market strategies. Whether you are selling on the Kindle library or other platforms, discover ways of building and keeping up the momentum of sales of your books.
Becoming A Social Media Influencer – How People Use Social Media To Make Money
Accumulating a genuine and responsive audience for your account on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help you earn good money. Read about a few effective ways of gaining more followers and of monetising that influence effectively.
How To Become An Online Teacher – Work And Earn From Home As A Remote Instructor
Teaching online has never been rewarding as it has grown to be over the last few years. The biggest evidence of that is the online teaching websites and courses being offered. You can use your knowledge, skill and experience to teach online is various ways from recording video lessons to giving private tuitions. Learn more.
Why working from home is difficult for so many people
If you can understand the things that make a successful work from home setup, then you have be able to perform better. In this post we explore some of the common pitfalls of working at home and how to overcome them to boost creativity and productivity. The more efficiently you work, the better will be the fruits of labor.
How To Earn Money By Selling Photos And Videos On Stock Photo Sites
Most creative people enjoy more than one creative pursuits. Clicking photographs is a popular and personally rewarding activity. But there is more to be gained from it than just personal satisfaction. If you follow certain guidelines, the same pictures you click for fun can become a side gig for an extra income online.
Learn All About Affiliate Marketing – A Complete Guide
Affiliate marketing is probably the most profitable method we use to earn on our blog. If you don’t have a blog you can do the same things we do when you use messaging, email and post on social media. Read this post for the simplest ways to become an affiliate and start making extra cash, without spending a dime.