Important Aspects Of Home Business

If you are not satisfied with the overall success of your home business then its time to go over some important steps that you might have missed. These steps apply to both regular business from home as well as online businesses on the Internet. 1) Are you being able to give the business enough time? 2)……

How To Sell Wholesale To Craft Stores

Selling wholesale to craft stores means a lot more exposure and sales for your crafts. If you manage to get into a successful whole sale contract with a craft store, a lot of extra work hassles are taken care of. You do not have to concern yourself with marketing, advertising and selling as that is……

4 Ways To Get A Great Selling Price For Your Art And Crafts

There are 4 main factors that control the prefect pricing of a craft. They are :  Practical Factors  Psychological Factors  Creative and Glam Factors Competitive factors Practical Pricing Factors This is the actual costs and the labor involved in making the product. You have to include all costs in the pricing of your craft, one way……

Insure Your Home Business

Many of us overlook this fact while starting out. You may feel that you are only starting out small time and that you should conserve your capital for setting up your business. You may also feel that you do not need it as the inventory is small and can be left for later when your……